Quick view HiTeck 286 Upper Roots, Incisors & Premolars Extraction Forceps $122.95 Upper Roots, Incisors, Premolars Forceps used for extracting teeth from the alveolar bone. Add to Cart
Quick view HiTeck 99C Kells Upper Incisors & Canines Extraction Forceps $122.95 Upper Incisors, Canines, and Premolars Forceps used for extracting teeth from the alveolar bone. Add to Cart
Quick view HiTeck 150AS Split Beaks Serrated Upper Incisors & Canines Extraction Forceps $122.95 Forceps used for extracting teeth from the alveolar bone. Add to Cart
Quick view HiTeck 150A Cryer Parallel Beaks Upper Incisors & Canines Extraction Forceps $122.95 Upper Incisors, Canines, and Premolars; Universal Forceps used for extracting teeth from the alveolar bone. Add to Cart
Quick view HiTeck 150 Cryer Universal Upper Incisors & Canines Extraction Forceps $122.95 Forceps used for extracting teeth from the alveolar bone. Add to Cart
Quick view HiTeck 32A Parmly Upper Incisors & Canines Extraction Forceps $122.95 Upper Canines, Premolars, and Molars; Universal forceps with sharp edged, slender beaks for breaking the alveolar process and trimming it after extraction. Add to Cart
Quick view HiTeck 32 Parmly Upper Incisors & Canines Extraction Forceps $122.95 Upper Canines, Premolars, and Molars; Universal forceps with sharp edged beaks for breaking the alveolar process and trimming it after extraction. Add to Cart
Quick view HiTeck 1A Henahan Upper Incisors & Canines Extraction Forceps $122.95 Standard Upper Incisors and Canines Forceps used for extracting teeth from the alveolar bone. Add to Cart
Quick view HiTeck 1 Standard Upper Incisors & Canines Extraction Forceps $122.95 Standard Pedo Series Upper Incisors and Canines Forceps used for extracting teeth from the alveolar bone. Add to Cart
Quick view HiTeck 4 Lower Incisors, Canines Extraction Forcep $122.95 Lower Incisors and Canines Forceps used to extract teeth from alveolar bone. Add to Cart
Quick view HiTeck 7 Serrated Upper Premolars Extraction Forceps $122.95 Upper Premolars Forceps used for extracting teeth from the alveolar bone. Add to Cart
Quick view HiTeck 2 Upper & Side Incisors Premolars Extraction Forcep $122.95 Upper and Side Incisors Premolars Forceps used to extract teeth from alveolar bone. Add to Cart
Quick view HiTeck 1 Serrated Upper Anteriors Extraction Forceps $122.95 Upper Anteriors Forceps used for extracting teeth from the alveolar bone. Add to Cart
Quick view HiTeck 101 Hull Upper & Lower Premolars, Universal Extraction Forceps $122.95 Upper and Lower Premolars, and Deciduous; Universal Forceps used for extracting teeth from the alveolar bone. Add to Cart
Quick view HiTeck 62 Upper & Lower Incisors, Canines, Premolars Extraction Forcep $122.95 Upper and Lower Incisors, Canines, Premolars, and Deciduous; Universal Forceps used for extracting teeth from the alveolar bone. Add to Cart
Quick view HiTeck 87 Lower Molars Extraction Forcep $122.95 Lower molars with carious or broken crowns Forceps Add to Cart
Quick view HiTeck 76S Upper Roots Serrated Extraction Forceps $122.95 Upper Roots Serrated Forceps used for extracting teeth from the alveolar bone. Add to Cart
Quick view HiTeck 301 Lower Roots Serrated Extraction Forceps $122.95 Lower Roots Serrated Forceps used to extract teeth from alveolar bone. Add to Cart
Quick view HiTeck 300 Upper Roots Serrated Extraction Forceps $122.95 Upper Roots Serrated Forceps used for extracting teeth from the alveolar bone. Add to Cart
Quick view HiTeck 69 Upper & Lower Fragments & Roots Extraction Forceps $122.95 Upper and Lower Fragments and Roots Forceps used for extracting teeth from the alveolar bone. Add to Cart
Quick view HiTeck 65 Upper Roots, Fragments & Overlapping Incisors Extraction Forceps $122.95 Upper Roots, Fragments, and Overlapping Incisors Forceps used for extracting teeth from the alveolar bone. Add to Cart
Quick view HiTeck 233 Lower Roots Serrated Extraction Forceps $122.95 Lower Roots Serrated Forceps used to extract teeth from alveolar bone. Add to Cart
Quick view HiTeck 86A Lower Molars Extraction Forcep $122.95 Lower molars with carious or broken crowns Forceps Add to Cart
Quick view HiTeck 74N Lower Roots Narrow Beaks Serrated Extraction Forceps $122.95 Lower Roots Serrated Forceps used for extracting teeth from the alveolar bone. Add to Cart
Quick view HiTeck 74 Lower Roots Serrated Extraction Forceps $122.95 Lower Roots Serrated Forceps used for extracting teeth from the alveolar bone. Add to Cart
Quick view HiTeck 46L Lower Roots Serrated Extraction Forceps $122.95 Lower Roots Serrated Forceps used for extracting teeth from the alveolar bone. Add to Cart
Quick view HiTeck 33 Lower Roots Serrated Extraction Forceps $122.95 Lower Roots Serrated Forceps used for extracting teeth from the alveolar bone. Add to Cart
Quick view HiTeck 97 Upper Roots Serrated Extraction Forceps $122.95 Upper Roots Serrated Forceps used for extracting teeth from the alveolar bone. Add to Cart
Quick view HiTeck 51 Upper Roots Serrated Extraction Forceps $122.95 Upper Roots Serrated Forceps used for extracting teeth from the alveolar bone. Add to Cart
Quick view HiTeck 49 Upper Roots Serrated Extraction Forceps $122.95 Upper Roots Serrated Forceps used for extracting teeth from the alveolar bone. Add to Cart
Quick view HiTeck 151K Lower Primary Incisors & Roots Extraction Forcep $122.95 Pedo Series Lower Primary F151 Incisors and Roots Forceps used for extracting teeth from the alveolar bone. Add to Cart
Quick view HiTeck 150K Upper Primary Incisors & Roots Extraction Forcep $122.95 Upper Primary Incisors and Roots Forceps used for extracting teeth from the alveolar bone. Add to Cart
Quick view HiTeck 23K Cowhorn Lower Primary Molars Extraction Forcep $122.95 Pedo Series Lower Primary Molars Forceps used for extracting teeth from the alveolar bone. Add to Cart
Quick view HiTeck 7C Pedo Upper Roots English Extraction Forcep $122.95 Upper Primary English Pediatric Forceps used for extracting teeth from the alveolar bone. Add to Cart
Quick view HiTeck 6C Pedo Upper Molars English Extraction Forcep $122.95 Upper Primary English Pediatric Forceps used for extracting teeth from the alveolar bone. Add to Cart
Quick view HiTeck 5CE Pedo Upper Incisors & Canines English Extraction Forcep $122.95 Pedo Series Lower Primary Molars Forceps used for extracting teeth from the alveolar bone. Add to Cart
Quick view HiTeck 4C Pedo Upper Premolars English Extraction Forcep $122.95 Upper Primary English Pediatric Forceps used for extracting teeth from the alveolar bone. Add to Cart
Quick view HiTeck 3C Pedo Lower Roots English Extraction Forcep $122.95 Lower Primary Molars English Pediatric Forceps used for extracting teeth from the alveolar bone. Add to Cart
Quick view HiTeck 2C Pedo Lower Molars English Extraction Forcep $122.95 Lower Primary Molars English Pediatric Forceps used for extracting teeth from the alveolar bone. Add to Cart
Quick view HiTeck 1C Pedo Lower Incisors English Extraction Forcep $122.95 Lower Incisors Pediatric Forceps used to extract teeth from alveolar bone. Add to Cart