

HARP Testing

Posted by Nataliya on 10th Oct 2018

We now offer HARP testing in Ontario. Get $50 Gift Card with a purchase of 5 tests.We now offer HARP testing in Ontario. Get $50 Gift Card with a purchase of 5 tests.Dental Brands is proud to announce the addition of following services to our portfolio: XRIS machine registration and installation plan approval consulting serviceOntario Dental X-Ray HARP Acceptance and Quality TestingRadiation Monitoring of X-Ray MachinesX-ray machines in Ontario that are used for the irradiation of a human being
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Enjoy the guidance of our experts in dental practice sales and brokerage services.

28th Aug 2017

Enjoy the guidance of our experts in dental practice sales and brokerage services.
Dental offices are small businesses, but unlike most small businesses, the dentist/owner is often not a small business expert. So when the time comes to sell a dental practice, it is in your best interest to let an expert at buying and selling businesses handle marketing and selling.Use these methods to increase the value of your practice starting a few weeks prior to sale:• It is vital to the value of the practice to have a Dental practice website. The website should be full of content and educ
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Are you considering a franchise?

12th Jul 2017

Are you considering a franchise?
What is a dental franchise opportunity?Is it just a name and a chunk of cash upfront? You can look at it this way, yes. The higher the number you have to part with to start a business, the more reluctant you become. Are you a dental office that is a business, or are you a business, that is a dental office? Hmm…Often, doctors delay big decisions until they are more comfortable and financially settled. This means hours of chasing better dental supply prices, deciding on marketing and branding, spe
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Top 5 Emerging Technologies in the Dental Industry

22nd Mar 2017

Top 5 Emerging Technologies in the Dental Industry
Times are changing. The dental industry has evolved, meaning the way we work and serve our patients has to adapt to best serve their needs. Patients are becoming more informed about the technologies available to them through their dentist or hygienist. I’d go even further to say this influences their decision on which oral care professional they choose to see.Digital impressions have eliminated patients going home with alginate on their face, neck and clothing.Diagnosis can be made immediately w
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