Contains: 1-Endo Ring, 1-Endo Arm, 2 XCP-DS Fit Endo Biteblocks
The XCP-DS FIT Universal Sensor Holders Stretch to FIT Any Size - Any Brand!
Self-adjusting clip stretches to fit size 0-2.
- #1 Selling Autoclavable Sensor Holder in the USA.*
- One Holder FITS Size #1 and #2 Digital Sensors.
- Fast and easy to load.
- Color-coded for fast assembly.
- Less Flexing - Rigid sensor support keeps sensor positioned accurately.
- Silicone-cushioned edges help provide patient comfort.
Use with relaxed-fit sensor cover.
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Promotion Period
January 1 - March 31, 2025. Our Loyalty Programs apply.
Redemption Instruction
To receive the FREE item, add $2,000 value of these items (Mix & Match) to your cart, fill out the online form to claim your FREE item before April 30, 2025.