This item corresponds with the following brands and manufacturers: A-dec(R) - 23.0048.01, A-dec(R) - 23-0048-01, A-dec(R) - 23.0048.00, A-dec(R) - 23-0048-00, A-dec(R) - 23.0048.01,...
This item corresponds with the following brands and manufacturers: A-dec(R) - 23.1232.01, A-dec(R) - 23-1232-01, A-dec(R) - 23.1232.01, A-dec(R) - 23-1232-01
This item corresponds with the following brands and manufacturers: Chapman-Huffman - 40-010-00, Chapman-Huffman - 40-010-00, Forest Dental - 1107-057, Forest Dental - 1107-057
This item corresponds with the following brands and manufacturers: A-dec(R) - 98-0010-00, A-dec(R) - 98.0010.00, A-dec(R) - 98-0010-00, A-dec(R) - 98.0010.00, A-dec(R) - 98-0010-00,...