Available in 0+1 and 1+2 Flexi Post Fiber's serrated head permits greater retention of core material. The second tier of the shank increases the intimacy of fit between the post and the natural point...
Sizes 3, 4.5, 5, 5.5, 6Parallel fiber post system Ideal for metal-free and aesthetic restorations, masks discolored roots. ParaPost Fiber White Posts compatible with standard ParaPost Drills ...
Sizes 10, 12, 15 and 20Rebilda Post is a fibre-reinforced composite endodontic post for build-up, support and anchoring of coronal restorations. Indications typically include diagnosis where there is...
This item corresponds with the following brands and manufacturers: Beaverstate Dental - 146-001, Beaverstate Dental - 146-001, Parts Warehouse - R-C1811-2, Parts Warehouse - R-C1811-2