1 x 76gm. Available in A1, A2, A3, A3.5 and B1Luxatemp Ultra makes it fast and easy to craft temporaries that fit precisely, thanks to its superior handling characteristics. The material has optimal...
1/pk Composite Capsule Dispenser SecuraFil gives you great leverage when placing your everyday composite providing an easy and accurate dispensing of the material. Securafil is easy to use and...
1/pk Composite Gun - Compule Dispenser by MARK3 is High quality without the high cost of brand names. Composite Gun - Compule Dispenser -MARK3 Fits a wide variety of Unidose Compules. Ergonomic...
1 x 76gm Cartridge + 15 Auto-Mix Tips For many years now, Luxatemp Plus has provided perfectly fitting temporary restorations and is exemplarily abrasion resistant. The material is easy to...
Luxatemp Fluorescence is available in both Automix and Smartmix formulas. Available in shades: A1, A2, A3, A3.5, B1 and Bleach Light.Luxatemp Fluorescence has superior aesthetics and unique handling...