This item corresponds with the following brands and manufacturers: Beaverstate Dental - 141-052, Chapman-Huffman - 25-027, Forest Dental - 0024-023, Marus - 50R531, Parts Warehouse - H-1095G
This item corresponds with the following brands and manufacturers: Beaverstate Dental - 141-050, Chapman-Huffman - 25-025, Forest Dental - 0024-021, Marus - 50R529, Parts Warehouse - H-1099G
This item corresponds with the following brands and manufacturers: Beaverstate Dental - 141-051, Chapman-Huffman - 25-026, Forest Dental - 0024-022, Marus - 50R530, Parts Warehouse - H-1098G
This item corresponds with the following brands and manufacturers: Beaverstate Dental - 141-054, Chapman-Huffman - 25-030, Forest Dental - 0024-027, Parts Warehouse - H-1093G