This item corresponds with the following brands and manufacturers: A-dec(R) - 025-002-01, A-dec(R) - 025.002.01, Beaverstate Dental - 117-036, RPI - RPT084
This item corresponds with the following brands and manufacturers: A-dec(R) - 021.034.01, A-dec(R) - 021-034-01, A-dec(R) - 021.034.00, A-dec(R) - 021-034-00, Chapman-Huffman - 95-012, DCI...
This item corresponds with the following brands and manufacturers: Chapman-Huffman - 95-114, Forest Dental - 0016-262, Marus - 003R028V, Parts Warehouse - P-1874, Pelton & Crane - 11064
This item corresponds with the following brands and manufacturers: Beaverstate Dental - 117-034, Chapman-Huffman - 95-032, Engle Dental Systems - 80-127, Forest Dental - 0016-168, Marus - 005R005X